one can [should] not run after two horses [hares] at the same time
Related Translations:
一心: 1.(专心) wholeheartedly; heart and soul 短语和例子一心想[要] set one's mind on; be obsessed with the idea of; be bent on; 一心为革命 wholehearted devotion to the revolution; complete dedication to the rev
上下一心: both the higher and lower levels are united as one.; the leadership and the rank and file are of one mind
A man cannot whistle and drink at the same time 一个人不能同时又吹口哨又喝酒;一心不能二用。
Scientists have located a bottleneck in the brain that may explain why we find it hard to do two things at once . the problem appears to be caused by a logjam of nerve messages 据每日邮报1月28日报道,常言道“一心不能二用” ,而引起这一问题的关键可能是神经讯息在传递过程中受到了阻碍。