How many a poor immortal soul have i met well - nigh crushed and smothered under its load , creeping down the road of life , pushing before it a barn seventy - five feet by forty , its augean stables ( 7 ) never cleansed , and one hundred acres of land , tillage , mowing , pasture , and woodlot 我曾目睹多少可怜的、不朽的灵魂在它的负累之下几近崩溃和窒息,沿着生活之路踟躇爬行,前头是七十五英尺长、四十英尺宽的大谷仓? ?它那些脏肮的角落从来就不曾被打扫干净,还有一千英亩的土地,永无休止的耕耘,收割,放牧和种植!
How many a poor immortal soul have i met well - nigh crushed and smothered under its load , creeping down the road of life , pushing before it a barn seventy - five feet by forty , its augean stables never cleansed , and one hundred acres of land , tillage , mowing , pasture , and woodlot 我曾遇见过多少个可怜的、永生的灵魂啊,几乎被压死在生命的负担下面,他们无法呼吸,他们在生命道上爬动,推动他们前面的一个七十五英尺长,四十英尺宽的大谷仓,一个从未打扫过的奥吉亚斯的牛圈,还要推动上百英亩土地,锄地、芟草,还要放牧和护林!