| 1. | It is most difficult to remember that the increase of every creature is constantly being checked by unperceived hostile agencies . 有一点常常使人最不容易记起的,就是各种生物的增殖都是不断地受着未被觉察的敌对作用的抑制。 |
| 2. | The exciting fact was her having lived in an atmosphere to think with dream that her own tendency to provoke it had apparently passed unperceived . 令人激动的事实是,她一直生活在一种弥漫着浓重的戏剧气息的气氛中,以致她想渲染一下,这种气氛的意向也明显地不知不觉地消失殆尽。 |
| 3. | Monte cristo exchanged a rapid glance with the young girl , which was quite unperceived by albert 基督山迅速地和这位年轻女郎交换了一次眼色,这个动作阿尔贝一点没有觉察到。 |
| 4. | And , in addition to this , everything forgotten or unperceived before presented itself now to his recollection 这时那些被遗忘或当初并未留意的事情都在他的记忆中呈现出来了。 |
| 5. | Morrel now emerged from his hiding - place , where he had remained quite unperceived , so great had been the general confusion 莫雷尔从他躲藏的地方走出来,当时的情形十分混乱不堪,所以他躲在那里并没有让人发觉。 |
| 6. | The " i " in me , my friend , dwells in the house of silence , and therein it shall remain for ever more , unperceived , unapproachable 我之“真我” ,朋友,居住在“寂静”的屋宇里,并将永居其中,无人察觉,无人靠近。 |
| 7. | From cahill s corner the reverend hugh c . love , m . a . , made obeisance unperceived , mindful of lords deputies whose hands benignant had held of yore rich advowsons 洛夫念念不忘的是:有俸圣职推举权从前都掌握在宽厚的代理国王的诸侯手中。 |
| 8. | A healthy body , a healthy mind live largely unperceived by their owner ; only occasionally , through pain or suffering they call for attention and insight 一个健全的身心大致上不会为其主人所感觉到;只当偶然地他们才透过痛感或苦楚引起注视。 |
| 9. | The expression of the count s face had not remained unperceived by the banker ; he fixed on him a look of greater assurance than before , and said : " you may , perhaps , be better satisfied that i should not go farther into particulars . 伯爵脸上的表情并没有瞒过银行家的眼睛他用比以前更加坚定的眼神盯住对方,说: “您最好还是不要勉强我说得更明白吧。 ” |
| 10. | He quickly concealed himself in his cabin , to avoid an awkward explanation , and hoped - thanks to the number of passengers - to remain unperceived by mr fogg s servant . on that very day , however , he met passepartout face to face on the forward deck 有一天由于旅客很多,费克斯认为自己绝不会被对手发现,他就出来了,可是冤家路窄,就在这个时候,他在前甲板上碰上了路路通。 |