Moreover , we study the problem of reliable communication caused by the autonomous migration of ma , and present a novel algorithm on location management and reliable communication for mobile agents . in virtue of the algorithm , the messages for remote mobile agents can be trustworthily accepted even if the migration of ma can not be known in advance 又创造性地研究了由于智能体的自主移动所产生的可靠通讯问题,提出了一个用于移动智能体位置管理与可靠通信的新算法,它能保证在智能体的移动行为不可预测的情况下,可靠地完成信息传递,并承诺信息传递的exactly一。
The concept of writing with true feelings means true stories with emotions . the author is brave enough to tell the truth , pour out his feeling like hatred , anger , sadness and happiness , show his strong character , advocate the true , the good and the beautiful of haman nature , express his thoughts and feelings about life trustworthily 就“真情实感作文”的概念,本文认为是指作文内容的感情真挚,敢于讲真话、抒真情,显突个性的张扬,倡导人性的真善美,实实在在地表达自己对生活的感悟。