Namo amida butsu is the tathagata ' s life ; it has found its way to me and become my life 南无阿弥陀佛是如来的生命?也回向我而成为我的生命。
This is the middle way realized by the tathagata that ? producing vision , producing knowledge ? leads to calm , to direct knowledge , to self - awakening , to unbinding 这就是如来实现的中道? ?升起景象、升起知识? ?趋向静、智慧、自觉醒、解脱。
Well the surangama sutra reads , " tathagata a buddha travels downward against the stream . bodhisattvas follow the stream upward and when they meet the buddha on the rim of complete 在楞严经中有说:如来逆流,如是菩萨,顺行而至,觉际入交,名为等觉。
And what is the middle way realized by the tathagata that ? producing vision , producing knowledge ? leads to calm , to direct knowledge , to self - awakening , to unbinding 那麽,如来实现的中道? ?升起景象、升起知识? ?趋向静、智慧、自觉醒、解脱,是什麽?
He is also commonly known as ' shakyamuni ' or ' sakyamuni ' ( lit . " the sage of the shakya clan " ) and as the tathagata ( lit . " thus come " or " thus gone " ) 他也普遍被称为“释迦牟尼” (照字面意义是“释迦族的圣人” ) ,同样地也被看作如来(字面意义是“如是来”或者“如是去” ) 。
Avoiding both of these extremes , the middle way realized by the tathagata ? producing vision , producing knowledge ? leads to calm , to direct knowledge , to self - awakening , to unbinding 如来避免了这两个极端,所实现的中道? ?升起景象、升起知识[引生知见] ? ?趋向静、智慧、自觉醒、解脱。
In the center of the hall there is a lotus throne , on which sit three giant images of buddha , each about 20ft high and all gilded , tathagata in the middle , amitabha on the left , and " medicine master " on the right 殿正中莲花台上端坐着三尊二丈多高的贴金大佛。中坐者为“如来” ,左边一尊为“阿弥陀佛” ,右边一尊为“药师佛” 。
The state of having countless transformation bodies is called tathagata , which means " neither coming nor going " , or " present everywhere at the same time " . this is very scientific . it is just a matter of changing vibrations 千百亿化身是这样子,如来,不去也不来,不过哪个地方都去,哪个地方都来,无所不在,都是很科学的事情,都是换改振动力的事。
It s stated very clearly in the buddhist scriptures , the buddha is in one s heart , and you can t perceive the tathagata buddha through tangible light and sound . rather than worshipping tangible forms , it s more meritorious to go home and worship our parents . this is the truth 佛经上都讲很明白:佛在心用音用色看不到如来,我们与其还在那里拜音拜色的东西,倒不如回去拜自己父母还更有功德,事实是这样子。