| 1. | Suay invited so to work in the pub 海亦感奇怪,原来美丽带著 |
| 2. | Suay cannot stand and voiced out that she was the generals son . the general slapped on suay again 就在他俩转进街角时,砰砰两响枪声。 |
| 3. | As some of the streetwise had receiving the kindness from suay , nobody walked forward or even left . by the way , cheuk and suay repelled all streetwise 美丽既是生意人,自此与海约法三章,不得于美丽酒吧范围内做生意,但仍会做海的生意。 |
| 4. | After three months , a gun - shot case happened in the bar suay , a male dressed up in female was killed in the washroom , the fatal wound was the gun - shot on chest 三个月后,美丽酒吧里发生了一件枪杀案,一名女性打扮的男子于厕格内被杀,致命伤为胸口中枪。 |
| 5. | Hoi returned to the pub , told suay and others he would leave thai soon . so was great . suddenly , a group of army came in and blockade the pub 海回酒吧内,向美丽等人示意将要离开泰国,素大喜之时,突然一批军队杀入,并封锁美丽酒吧,事出突然,众人不敢乱动。 |
| 6. | So was jealous when she found hoi and suay had drunk together . suay told hoi that she was a ladyboy but hoi did not have any resist to this while so was relieved 美丽叫卓替她跟进酒吧的事宜,使他离开酒吧,但另一方面叫海陪同自己处理事情,卓感不悦,但掩饰了。 |
| 7. | This name all because it was run by - - suay thai language : meaning beautiful - thai female star , her appearance like her name , but with an unknown past . . . . . 地点为美丽酒吧,但外型与名字却毫不扯上关系,只是芭提雅酒吧街内的其中一间酒吧,以此为名全因老板娘- |
| 8. | She hired cheuk as bodyguard as she felt her life unsafe . suay had not ever thought the beautiful pub had the legendary event happened within these three months . . 美丽一手经营,她因为有感自己性命安危,故聘用卓为自己的保镳,但她从没想到三个月内,美丽酒吧发生如此传奇的事件 |
| 9. | 4 of them appeared to work in harmony end of every month , suay would take care of cheuk s father in secret . as cheuk and father had conflict , suay as the middleman between them 半导体镭射治疗仪与海到卓父的家里,因卓父一直以来身体血液都有很大问题,扮成卓欲和好如初,并教他用 |
| 10. | At the other side , hoi knew that he was protected , pretended to be a visitor , suay was serving him . after cheuk drew back more than 10 people , he planned to return the pub , more streetwise came , preparing to fight with him 就是这样,海的误打误撞卓的六发子弹击退十数人以及美丽的不发一言赶走了无数的古惑仔,造就了美丽酒吧的传奇 |