| 1. | I hardly believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not . 我很难相信,反对我们的人中有谁敢说她们不是。 |
| 2. | Jack have the hardihood to deny what he have do 杰克厚颜地否认了自己所干的事。 |
| 3. | I scarcely believe any of our opponents will have the hardihood to say they are not 我不相信任何反对我们的人有胆量说她们不是人们。 |
| 4. | She was herself at a loss to know how she had the hardihood , but she looked straight with her short - sighted eyes at the handsome face as it came close to her 她自己并不知道,她怎么能够鼓足勇气,直勾勾地望望凑近她那对近视眼的美丽的面孔。 |
| 5. | Will is an ambit , self - confidence , firmness and hardihood ; it is full of unlimited desire to conquer oneself , courage to face the future and self - transcendence to complete 意志是一种境界,是自信、坚定和刚毅,饱含着无限的征服自我的欲望,还有对未来征程的一份果敢,一种自我的超越! |
| 6. | He resumed at last - fain , notwithstanding his hardihood , to have a support behind him ; for , after the struggle , he trembled , in spite of himself , to his very finger - ends 终于,他又开口了虽然他很坚强,却也想在他背后找个靠一靠的地方因为,在这场斗争之后,他不由自主地浑身颤抖着,连他的手指尖也在抖。 |
| 7. | If any one of the three had had the hardihood to propose to another to walk on a little ahead into the mist and darkness , he would have put himself in a fair way of getting shot instantly as a highwayman 如果三人之中有人胆大包天敢向另一个人建议往前赶几步走进雾气和黑暗中去,他就大有可能立即被人当作强盗枪杀。 |
| 8. | I hardly know where i found the hardihood thus to open a conversation with a stranger ; the step was contrary to my nature and habits : but i think her occupation touched a chord of sympathy somewhere ; for i too liked reading , though of a frivolous and childish kind ; i could not digest or comprehend the serious or substantial 我自己也不知道哪里来的胆子,居然同一个陌生人说起话来。这回我的性格与积习相悖,不过她的专注兴许打动了我,因为我也喜欢读书,尽管是浅薄幼稚的一类。对那些主题严肃内存充实的书,我是无法消化或理解的。 |
| 9. | For who is there who anything of some significance has apprehended but is conscious that that exterior splendour may be the surface of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the contrary anyone so is there inilluminated as not to perceive that as no nature s boon can contend against the bounty of increase so it behoves every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his semblables and to tremble lest what had in the past been by the nation excellently commenced might be in the future not with similar excellence accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that one was audacious excessively who would have the hardihood to rise affirming that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution s menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined 且不论何等蠢人亦应省悟:大自然赐予之所有恩惠,均无法与繁殖之恩惠相比拟,故一切正直之市民皆须对同胞劝诫忠告,并为之焦虑,惟恐本民族过去所开创之辉煌业绩,日后不能发扬光大也。倘因风俗之愚昧,对世代相传之光荣习惯加以轻视,否定其深远意义,从而对有关分娩作用之崇高要义等闲视之,岂不令人深恶痛绝哉!盖此要义系天主所做繁殖之预言4及对减少繁衍之警告,并命令全人类遵照行事,使之做出承诺。 |