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Chinese translation for "ecclesiastes"

Example Sentences:
1.So much for the mood . there are , however , also intellectual arguments in ecclesiastes
2.Let us listen to his conclusion of the matter at the end of ecclesiastes and make this wisdom our instruction
3.To receive the bless ? ings , you must " fear god , and keep his commandments , for this is the whole duty of man " ( ecclesiastes 12 : 13 )
要领受这些赐福,你就必须“敬畏神,谨守他的诫命,这是人所当尽的本分” (传道书12 : 13 ) 。
4.Rather you should listen to these words of wisdom : " fear god and keep his commandments , for this is the whole duty of man " ( ecclesiastes 12 : 13 )
相反你要听一听这些智慧的话: “敬畏神,谨守他的诫命,这是人所当尽的本分” (传道书12 : 13 ) 。
5.Yet we find his pursuits of wisdom came to the same conclusion - he despaired of all the wisdom he accumulated as he relates to us in ecclesiastes
6.As the preacher said in ecclesiastes 8 : 15 : " then i commended mirth , because a man hath no better thing under the sun , than to eat , and to drink , and to be merry .
正如传教士在《旧约?传道书》第八章第十五节中所说: “我赞美欢笑,对一个人来说,阳光底下,没有什么能比吃喝享乐更幸福了。 ”
7.Christians adopted the ouroboros as a symbol of the limited confines of this world ( that there is an " outside " being implied by the demarcation of an inside ) , and the self - consuming transitory nature of a mere this - worldly existence following in the footsteps of the preacher in ecclesiastes
基督教采用大毒蛇作为这个世界有限界标记(那就是有限的划分之外还有无限) ,自我强烈只是一个这个世界瞬间存在的本性
8.When i got home from group meditation , an event that happened over twenty years ago came to mind . my father wanted me to read a biblical passage in the book of ecclesiastes called " a vanity is a vanity . " i thought , " why does my father want me to read this passage
9.Once again , this passage came into my thoughts and was somehow synonymous with master s message to the two teenage boys who taught her how to " break dance . " one may ask , " how does " break dancing " have anything to do with ecclesiastes , a very heavy and dreary passage in the bible ?
10.Christians adopted the ouroboros as a symbol of the limited confines of this world ( that there is an " outside " being implied by the demarcation of an inside ) , and the self - consuming transitory nature of a mere this - worldly existence following in the footsteps of the preacher in ecclesiastes
基督教采用大毒蛇作为这个世界的有限界线标记(那就是有限的划分之外还有无限) ,自我强烈只是一个这个世界瞬间存在的本性,延着《传道书》上传教士的足迹。
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