She was a tall, blond woman, slender, and stately, and beautiful . 她是一位颀长的金发妇人,长得苗条,美丽、雍容华贵。
The handsome young fellow, with indelible whipple charm stamped on his bright features . 身材颀长,举止潇洒,惠普尔家的血统在他身上犹为突出。
While the point was being debated a tall agile gentleman of fair complexion, wearing a long yellow ulster came from the far end of the bar . 这时从酒吧的另一头过来一位绅士,他穿一件系着带子的黄长袍,皮肤白皙,身材颀长,动作利索。
Antonia's figure, with its throat settled in the collar of her cape, slender, tall, severe, looked impatient and remote amongst the bustle . 安东妮亚的脖子舒适地藏在她的披肩的衣领里,身材纤巧,颀长,面容严肃,在杂沓的人群中显得又急躁又冷漠。
The young woman was tall , with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale 那年轻妇女身材颀长,体态优美之极。
They really fitted him , - it was his first made - to - order suit , - and he seemed slimmer and better modelled 那衣服确实报称身那是他第一套雷体定做的服装他看去似乎更颀长了些,挺拔了些。
During one of the intervals , we left our seats and , in the corridor , we saw a tall woman whom my friend greeted with a bow 在一次幕间休息时,我们到走廊里休息,看见一个身材颀长的女人走过,我朋友向她打了个招呼。
Men may prefer slim women and women favour tall men , but both will alter their demands in response to market conditions 男士可能更青睐身量苗条的女士,女士可能更仰慕身材颀长的男士,但双方会根据市场状况变更要求。
Tall and slender almost to a fault , she possessed in the highest degree the art of concealing this oversight of nature simply by the way she arranged the clothes she wore 她身材颀长苗条稍许过了点分,可她有一种非凡的才能,只要在穿着上稍稍花些功夫,就把这种造化的疏忽给掩饰过去了。
Her daughter estelle , a slight , insignificant - looking girl of sixteen , the thankless period of life , quitted the large footstool on which she was sitting and silently came and propped up one of the logs which had rolled from its place 她的女儿爱丝泰勒,芳十八,已到青春期,身材颀长,毫不引人注目,她从圆凳上站起来,悄然走来把一块滚落的劈柴扶起来。