静: Ⅰ形容词1.(安定不动; 平静) still; calm; motionless 短语和例子风平浪静 calm and tranquil; 静立 stand still; 静卧 lie motionless2.(没有声响; 清静) silent; quiet 短语和例子夜阑人静 in the dead of night; in the still [quiet] of th
致: Ⅰ动词1.(给与;向对方表示礼节、情意等) deliver; send; extend 短语和例子致书一封 send a letter; 致开幕词 make an opening speech; 致以衷心的问候 extend one's cordial greetings to2.(集中于某个方面) devote (one's efforts, etc.); concent