[ zhì ] Ⅰ动词 1.(给与;向对方表示礼节、情意等) deliver; send; extend 短语和例子 致书一封 send a letter; 致开幕词 make an opening speech; 致以衷心的问候 extend one's cordial greetings to2.(集中于某个方面) devote (one's efforts, etc.); concentrate; work for 短语和例子 专心致志 be wholeheartedly devoted to; be wholly absorbed in3.(招致) cause; incur; invite 短语和例子 导致 lead to; bring about; result in; cause; 致病 cause disease; 以致身亡 resulted in death4.(达到; 实现) achieve 短语和例子 学以致用 learn sth. in order to use it; gear one's study to practical use5.[书面语] (归还; 交还) lay down; return 短语和例子 致政 lay down office; resign from governmentⅡ连词 (以致)so...that:措辞晦涩, 致使人误解本意。 the wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations. Ⅲ名词 (情趣; 兴致) interest; manner or style that engages attention or arouses interest 短语和例子 别致 original in style; unique; 故事曲折有致。 the plot is intricate and full of interest.Ⅳ形容词 (精密; 精细) fine; delicate; meticulous 短语和例子 精致 exquisite; delicate; fine; 细致 careful; meticulous