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English translation for "金钱补偿"

pecuniary compensation

Related Translations:
金钱:  money 短语和例子浪费金钱 muddle away money; 积聚金钱 amass money; 金钱至上 exclusive concern with money; 金钱万能。 money is almighty.; money talks. 他从不吝惜金钱。 he never grudges money. 他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。 he is poor in
储藏金钱:  hoard
金钱的:  peculiarlypecuniary
崇拜金钱:  to worshimoney
金钱本色:  the color of money
金钱薄荷:  glechoma hederacea
金钱肉:  fried porkpreserved pork piece
金钱引诱:  financial inducement
亡命金钱:  run for the money
金钱损失:  monetary losspecuniary damagespecuniary loss
Example Sentences:
1.Allowances in the form of monetary compensation and re - training will be necessary , particularly for those bottom trawling fishers whose vessels will need to be bought out , but also for other fishers who have suffered loss of fishing grounds
2.Specific permissions to use the work , typically for a specific term and in a certain well - defined territory such as the world , north america , or spain , in return for some consideration , which may include monetary compensation
被许可方( licensee )特定的权限使用作品,一般是在一定的期限内、在特定的区域内(比如全世界、北美或者西班牙)使用,并付给一定的补偿,包括金钱补偿
3.3 . on compensation way adninistrative relative person should also have the creditor ' s rights and equity and social insurance etc . besides money compensation to protect the longterm benefit of the loses . 4 . natural resource and not natural resource should be distinguished on compensation volume degree
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