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English translation for "崇拜金钱"

to worshimoney

Related Translations:
英雄崇拜:  hero worshipheroworship
崇拜地:  adoringlyreligilsoreligioso
圣母崇拜:  mariolatry
书籍崇拜:  bibliolatry
论文崇拜:  the worshiof research paper the worshiof scientific paper
魔鬼崇拜:  diabolatry
崇拜英雄:  to worshiheroes and heroines
盲目崇拜:  adulate
强制崇拜:  enforced reverence
崇拜基督:  christolatry
Example Sentences:
1.Unable to get steady jobs and learn skills, they take pride only in having money .
2.Americans are justlyproud of their collective material achievements , but the common criticism that they worship money and material things is unfair
3.Europeans of the 19thcentury thought so because prestige and status in europe at that time depended partly on family , which did not count for so much
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