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English translation for "远不及"

not nearly

Related Translations:
远远不及:  be far beyond
躲闪不及:  be too late to dodge
势力不及:  on the windy side of
躲避不及:  too late to dodge
驷不及舌:  a word (lightly) spoken goes faster than a team of four horses.; even a team of four horses cannot overtake and recover what is already said
评定不及格:  t give a failing mark to
无过不及:  free from excess and deficiency
力所不及:  beyond one's strength [ability]; be beyond [out of] one's depth; be beyond [out of] one's power; put a quart in pint pot
不及格分数:  poor mark
不及物动词:  [语言学] intransitive verb
Example Sentences:
1.It is not nearly so pretty as it was before .
2.This is nothing near so good as that .
3.This is nothing like as good as that .
4.This is nothing like so good as that .
5.This building is not inferior to that one but nothing near so large .
6.Its low amplitude makes it less important as a source of disturbance in magnetic prospecting than the solar component .
7.He doesn ' t dress half so strangely as mike
8.Pico doesn t have nearly the amount of support that spring has
9.He got a lot more written than i did , but he didn ' t have half the fun
10.You do the
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