他没有铂倒是其他旅客病了: he was not sick, as / which some of the other passengers were
我倒是好心好意可是人家不领情: i was full of good intentions but they weren't appreciated
这倒是达到这个目的的绝绝佳办法: this would be a wonderful way to accomplish that
点子: 1.(主意) idea; method; pointer 短语和例子他的鬼点子真多。 he's full of bad ideas. 这个点子倒是不错, 只是行不通。 the idea is good but is not workable. 这工作怎么搞法, 你给我们出一些点子。 give us some pointers on how to do the job. 我可
你的心劲倒不孬但就是行不通: your idea is good but is not workable. analytic ability