软: Ⅰ形容词1.(质地不硬) soft; flexible; supple; pliable 短语和例子软床 [椅] soft bed [chair]; 软壳蛋 soft-shelled egg; 柳条很软。 willow twigs are pliable. 苔藓软如丝绒。 moss is soft like velvet.2.(柔和) soft; mild; gentle
Example Sentences:
When attacking , use the right combination . artillary and at weapons against tanks , tanks against soft targets such as mortars , infrantry and machine gunners 进攻时,使用正确的组合。榴弹炮和反坦克武器对付坦克,坦克对付软目标,比如摩托车,步兵等。
A couple of light tanks used in a flanking manouver around an attacking force can be quite effective and often reward you with the soft follow up targets behind their main attack force 在进攻部队周围的侧翼机动的几架轻坦克也相当管用,特别是当敌军进攻主力后面的软目标出现的时候。
In the framework , we express non - functional requkements with softgoal concept from i * framework . by decomposing softgoal , we refine the highly softgoal into functional ones and formally describe them in albert ii language 在这个框架中,将非功能需求用i ~ *框架中提出的概念?软目标( softgoal )来表示,用目标分解的方法将高层的软目标精化为低层的功能目标,然后用albert语言形式化地说明。
This thesis defines and classifies the concept of nfr and describe the process measure of some representative nfr . according to subjectivity , relativity and correlation of nfr , we describe nfr using the concept of softgoal and characterize the relation between softgoal with contribution and correlation link , based on the study of goal - oriented requirement analysis 其次,根据非功能需求的特点,结合当前对面向目标需求分析和建模方法的研究,引入软目标的概念来描述非功能需求,利用作用关系和相关关系来描述软目标之间的关系。