Ⅰ形容词 1.(质地不硬) soft; flexible; supple; pliable 短语和例子 软床 [椅] soft bed [chair]; 软壳蛋 soft-shelled egg; 柳条很软。 willow twigs are pliable. 苔藓软如丝绒。 moss is soft like velvet.2.(柔和) soft; mild; gentle 短语和例子 软语 soft words; 你对他软了些。 you've been a bit soft with him. 他的话太软了。 what he said was too mild.3.(软弱) weak; feeble 短语和例子 欺软怕硬 bully the weak and fear the strong; 两腿发软。 one's legs feel like jelly.4.(能力弱; 质量差) poor in quality, ability, etc.: 工夫软 inadequate skill; 货色软 poor-quality goods 5.(容易被感动或动摇) easily moved or influenced 短语和例子 耳朵软 credulous and pliable; 心软 tenderheartedⅡ名词 (姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 软华 ruan hua