走: 动词1.(人或鸟兽的脚交互向前移动) walk; go 短语和例子行走 walk; 走自己的路 go one's own way; take one's own road; 走遍天下 travel all over the world; 一直往前走 go straight ahead; 走前人没有走过的道路 break new paths; take paths never
" on the side of angels " i ve never been so certain , i ve never been so sure 就算荒腔走板我就是ifpi你永远是我的最最最最爱
Since we had hardly practiced , many of us sang out of tune , but our sincerity must have moved god , and even master sang with us 随后,师父让我们唱歌助兴,男女众拿出绝活,关公面前耍大刀!虽是疏于练习荒腔走板,不过诚心可感上苍。