take bribes and bend the law; accept money for letting sb. break the law; line one's pockets by taking bribes and break the law; pervert justice for a bribe; twist the law in order to obtain bribes
Example Sentences:
Zatoichi is a blind wanderer who makes a living by gambling and giving massages 这是个贪赃枉法的小镇,武功高强就是一种正义。
In a gambling joint , zatoichi and trustworthy young friend shinkichi meet up with a couple of geishas 这是个贪赃枉法的小镇,武功高强就是一种正义。
In the case of the xue pan ' s murder , the images of the clerks have been caned to the bones 《红楼梦》描写的胥吏形象多而生动:他们挟持主官、包揽词讼、贪赃枉法。
They hang , behead , and impale their criminals in the most agreeable possible manner ; but some of these , like clever rogues , have contrived to escape human justice , and succeed in their fraudulent enterprises by cunning stratagems 他们尽可能地以最适当的方式处置他们的犯人,有绞刑,杀头和刺刑。但有些犯人却能象那些刁滑的地痞流氓一样设法逃脱法律的制裁,凭着他们巧妙的计谋继续做贪赃枉法的事。
However , on account of historic factors and other causes , the status quo of administrative organ is not very satisfactory . the phenomenon of unstrict law enforcement , dispunishment for breaking the law , taking bribes and bending the law still exist to different extent , especially in some certain aspects and places . to solve this problem is the most realistic and the most urgent task in the present legal administration 但由于历史原因与及其他方面的原因,行政机关的执法现状仍然不容乐观,有法不依、执法不严、违法不究、知法犯法、贪赃枉法等问题还不同程度地存在,在有些方面、有些地方甚至相当严重,解决这一问题是当前依法行政中一个最现实、最迫切的任务,这就凸显了对本论题进行研究的必要性与现实意义。