| 1. | That means that we do not have the luxury of quitting 就是说我们不能贪念放弃 |
| 2. | Also , there are many things that you think you re not greedy about 还有,你们并不认为自己对很多东西有贪念。 |
| 3. | The speculators ' greed for profit has left several small investors penniless 投机商对利润的贪念使的几个小投资者身无分文。 |
| 4. | Likewise , ever since i began to work in a bookstore , my obsession with books has been very much on the decline 自我入书店以后,对于书的贪念也已消除了不少了。 |
| 5. | The atayal learned from there natural evironment everything they needed to know in order to flourish for generations 但是,人类的贪念辜负了大自然的赐与,现在都要用劳力才能换取温饱。 |
| 6. | The temptation of quick money is rearing its ugly head in front of you . resist it . rags , not riches , are ahead 还是要奉劝你一句:切勿因一时贪念,做手脚, ?快钱,否则会招致身败名裂,下场可悲。 |
| 7. | There are always gamblers who cannot resist the temptation and believe that they can get away without being caught if they have planned carefully and skillfully 社会上总有一些无法抗拒贪念的投机者,以为只要布局周密巧妙,事后便可逃之夭夭,逍遥法外。 |
| 8. | Partners in crime and passion , the couple swindle their way across china , until one fine day li suddenly decides to call it quits , both to her egregious lifestyle and to her entanglement with bo 在贪念与纯真之间,双方在狭窄的车厢中展开一幕幕的暗战。然而车中竟然卧虎藏,火车到站一刻仍未能分出高下 |
| 9. | They are involved day and night in such a poisonous environment of lustful desires and sensuous pleasures that despite being cautioned time and again , they fail to rid themselves from the bondage of the net work of worldly illusions 他们终日生活在贪念和感官愉悦的这样一个罪恶的环境中,尽管被屡屡告诫,他们还是被世俗的幻想之网而囚禁。 |
| 10. | He is trying to get jesus involved in a family squable and jesus refuses to do so . he doesnt tell the brother to give some of the inheritance . instead he tells us the parable of the " rich fool . 他意图使耶稣卷入家庭纠纷里,耶稣拒绝了?并没有叫他的兄弟把产业分给他,却讲了这个比喻,因为他看著这提问的男子,看见了他的贪念, ?看见这男子,不住想追求更多。 |