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English translation for "无贪"


Related Translations:
:  Ⅰ动词1.(欲望不满足; 求多) have an insatiable desire for; be greedy for 短语和例子贪财 be greedy for money2.(片面追求; 贪图) hanker for [after]; seek; covet 短语和例子贪便宜 keen on gaining petty gainsⅡ形容词1.(贪污) corrupt
继续贪:  xm
贪青:  (of crops) remaining green when it is due to become yellow and ripe
贪赌:  on the gamble
欲贪:  desire and coveting or coveting as the result of passion craving
贪小便宜:  covet little advantages; covetous of small gains; greedy for small advantages
贪口福:  epicurism
贪安逸:  love comfort
贪小:  greedy for small gains or profits
贪矿石:  low grade ore
Example Sentences:
1.Who covets not is rich . who wishes nothing blessed . who hates not is free . who is not blind is wise
2.The rebirth is then associated with non - delusion and as such takes place with three root - conditions : wisdom , goodwill , and generosity
相应的结生是无痴的,由此会具有三个根因:智(无痴) 、善意(无嗔) 、慷慨(无贪) 。
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