| 1. | My uncle albert always has "high tea" . 我舅舅阿伯特总吃“正式茶点”。 |
| 2. | Uncle tom is critical and contemptuous . 汤姆舅舅态度很轻蔑,而且吹毛求疵。 |
| 3. | I had not intentionally tried to shock uncle tom . 我并不是故意想惊吓汤姆舅舅。 |
| 4. | Uncle soames did take the bun . 索米斯舅舅真的得了头名。 |
| 5. | Uncle albert will do a good turn to anyone if he can . 阿伯特舅舅凡力所能及总愿给人帮忙。 |
| 6. | I came in sight of my uncle's house with a heaving chest . 我看到舅舅家房子的时候,已是上气不接下气了。 |
| 7. | Later, he brought my uncles theodore and marco into the business . 后来,他把我两个舅舅,西奥多和马可,拉进来一同做那盘生意。 |
| 8. | And now a strange uncle who felt that i was impolite was going to teach me . 可现在,一个陌生的舅舅却觉得我没有礼貌,要教训我。 |
| 9. | By the time boys reach your age they usually have learned to dissemble for rich uncles . 象你那样年纪的孩子都会对有钱的舅舅假装亲热。 |
| 10. | You are very thorough. do you want to catechise them about their uncle ? 你样样事都要刨根问底,是不是想考问考问他们,看看他们是不是喜欢他们的舅舅? |