Now in america we have learned in actual practice to accept the rabble hypothesis with reservations . 目前在美国我们已经在实践中懂得有保留地接受了群氓假说。
Well , he would fool the mob 好了,他得骗骗群氓诸公。
Screaming mobs , mostly of jobless young men , will surely use any irregularities to make trouble 大声叫嚷的群氓(多数是无业青年)肯定会做出很多违反行为来制造麻烦。
But the one thing he was not was that colossal appetite that all the mob was bent upon feeding 但有一桩本领他却没有:他没有所有的群氓都想填塞的那么个硕大无朋的胃。
You re feeding me because it is the style of feeding just now , because the whole mob is crazy with the idea of feeding martin eden 你们请我是因为请我吃饭目前很时髦,因为整个群氓集体正在为请马丁吃饭而发狂。
It was a poem of centuries . then the tribute the mob paid him was a sorry tribute indeed , for that same mob had wallowed " ephemera " into the mire 那么那群氓对他的礼赞也就只能令人遗憾了,因为把布里森登的蜉蝣拱到了烂泥里的也是那同样的群氓。
Once they were considered to be the mark of riff raff , lowlifes and gangsters , but since the 1980 ' s tattoos have become socially acceptable in the west 纹身曾一度被当作是群氓、下层民众和黑帮分子的标志,但是自20世纪80年代起,它们受到了西方社会的认可。
He had seen brissenden torn to pieces by the crowd , and despite the fact that him the crowd acclaimed , he could not get over the shock nor gather any respect for the crowd 他曾眼见布里森登被群众撕扯成了碎片。尽管他现在受到欢呼,心里仍有余悸,对群氓仍尊重不起来。
You are feeding me now because you are herd animals ; because you are part of the mob ; because the one blind , automatic thought in the mob - mind just now is to feed me 你们现在宴请我因为你们都是群居动物因为你们是群氓的一部分因为此时此刻群氓心态的一个盲目的冲动就是宴请我。