| 1. | Card of authority identifying buy is one kind sells a right , authority card holder has authority to give the capital fund of the mark of conventional amount in order to agree the price sells at conventional time 认沽权证是一种卖出权利,权证持有人有权于约定时间以约定价格卖出约定数量的标的资产。 |
| 2. | The " firm commitment " shall refer to an agreement with legal control force regarding the exchange of a particular number of resources at the stipulated price on a specific future date or in a specific future period 确定承诺,是指在未来某特定日期或期间,以约定价格交换特定数量资源、具有法律约束力的协议。 |
| 3. | With the development of international trade , a new kind contract ? open price contract has come forth . the open price contract doesn ’ t fix the price at the time of the conclusion 价格待定合同是随着国际贸易的蓬勃发展而产生的一种特殊的买卖合同,是指双方当事人在订立合同时未明确约定价格的具体数额的合同。 |
| 4. | An option contract that gives its holder the right ( but not the obligation ) to purchase a specified number of shares of the underlying stock at the given strike price , on or before the expiration date of the contract 是指允许投资人按约定价格在合约到期日前或到期日,买入某特定资产的权力,也称之为买入期权。 |
| 5. | Investments come mainly through an off - market convertible - debt - style security , paying interest ( sometimes in cash , sometimes in kind ) and an equity kicker priced through an eventual public share offering or at a set value 投资主要来自于市场外的支付利息(现金或者以货代款)的可转债证券和以最终股权或者约定价格定价的股权启动机制。 |
| 6. | But when the markets went into a tailspin in august , volatility suddenly surged ; it became much more likely that those who had previously bought options would be able to exercise them ( particularly put options , which grant the right to sell at a given price ) 但当市场在8月卷入漩涡之中时,波动性就突然暴增了;这样,那些之前买入期权的人就非常有可能去执行它(特别是看跌期权,它有权以约定价格出售资产) 。 |
| 7. | According the overal plan of nanbei lake scenic spot , the goverment will first expand the green planting work along the nanbei lake road , the path sanwan to qingchaoding . as the landscape design and construction will be open potential investirs and the goverment prefer bt form 根据景区总体规划及景观建设需要,分轻重缓急,拟先期对南北湖大道、三湾至鹰巢顶道路沿线两侧进行地形改造及景观绿化,其中涉及景观建设有投资方建设,政府按合同约定价格及方式予以回购。 |
| 8. | Compensatory stock option is to grant employees the right to buy appointed sum of stock at stipulated price at engaged time after they have been vested . it is an enduring effect pattern of enduring employees , which emerged in 1950 " s in u . s . a . . and spread in large corporations of western countries after 1980 " s 薪酬式股票期权( compensatorystockoption )简称为股票期权,是指公司给被授予者,即股票期权受权人按约定价格和数量在授权以后的约定时间购买股票的一种权利。 |