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English translation for "笔力浑厚"

bold and vigorous strokes

Related Translations:
浑厚:  1.(淳朴老实) simple and honest; sincere2.(艺术风格朴实雄厚) simple and vigorous 短语和例子笔力浑厚 (of handwriting) bold and vigorous strokes
浑厚的:  chimique
笔力:  vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing; vigour of style in literary composition 短语和例子笔力雄健 powerful strokes; the stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous
珍珠浑厚的光泽:  the deelustre of pearls
笔力雄浑:  vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing
笔力遒劲:  write with firm strokes; every stroke of the characters is boldly and forcefully laid [written].; one's strokes are firm, solid and strong.; the stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigoro
笔力雄健:  the stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous
笔力刚劲:  write in a bold hand
笔力苍劲:  in bold vigorous strokes
Example Sentences:
1.In 1982 , during my holiday in guangzhou , i happened to see his two works exotic mountain peaks in saturated ink and inspiration from clouds over the lijiang river , hung in the lobby of nanhu hotel
1982年,我正在广州休假作画,在湖南宾馆大厅看到了他所绘《奇峰醉墨》 、 《漓江云意》 ,笔力浑厚而自成天趣,画风泼辣而别有韵致。
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