regret we didn't meet sooner; it is much to be regretted that we could [did] not meet earlier.; regret not to have known sb. before
Example Sentences:
And then you said your last goodbye , yeah , goodbye 你说是我们相见恨晚我说为爱你不够勇敢
That you re making me feel , walking the streets all alone , 和你相见恨晚心却感觉温暖是你让我能这么想
They found so much in common that they regretted not having met earlier 他们聊得情投意合,只觉相见恨晚
Many people we met during and after the video seminar expressed delight at learning about masters teachings , and wished they had found out about her sooner 在讲座举行当中及会后,许多来宾纷纷表示很高兴能听闻师父的教理,有些人甚至有相见恨晚的感觉。
I can speak on behalf of our staff and the people who were present at the lecture . they liked it very much , and they felt it was a pity that it was only her first visit to armenia 虽然我不能代表整个国家,但是我可以代表音乐厅的工作人员和当天聆听讲经的来宾表达他们的心声:他们非常喜欢这次讲经,对清海无上师相见恨晚。
From the unlucky in love , die - hard romantic coffee shop owner bradley who has a serial habit of looking for love in all the wrong places ; to the edgy real estate agent diana who is caught up in an affair with a married man ; to the beautiful young newcomer chloe who defies fate in romancing the troubled oscar ; to harry himself , whose adoring wife is looking to break through his wall of grief after the wrenching loss of a beloved . . . they all intertwine into one remarkable story in which no one can escape being bent , broken , befuddled , delighted and ultimately redeemed by love ' s inescapable spell 漂亮又有能力的地产经纪黛安娜则是和有夫之妇有染,他们俩的内心是如此的契合,只能说是相见恨晚…年轻的克洛伊和奥斯卡爱得炽热,只是上天似乎有著出乎意料的安排…而哈瑞教授本身也有难解的习题,但是深爱他的太太正努力让他振作…一个个贴近生活的小故事将串联出最令人动容的电影诗篇。