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English translation for "痴情的"


Related Translations:
痴情:  (痴心的爱情) unreasoning passion; infatuation; passion of love; lovesickness 短语和例子他对那位姑娘是一片痴情。he's infatuated with that girl
痴情花:  beckyinfatuated flower
痴情于:  lose one’s heart to
痴情恨:  beloved infidel
痴情女子:  girl falls in lovve
痴情儿女:  passionately in love
痴情佳人:  lady caroline lamb
痴情泪:  infatuation tearspink tearsspoony tears
痴情玉女:  a sentimental girl
白费痴情:  a boaster and a liar are cousins-germana book is the same today as it always was and it will never change
Example Sentences:
1.My mad hopes were dead leaves .
2.For smoke, which is the london ivy, had so wreathed itself round peffer's name, that the affectionate parasite quite overpowered the parent tree .
3.For sentimental reasons
为了痴情的缘故么? ”
4.Full grown , and i m still not able to stand ( i gave you a hand )
5.Someday i ll teach you to beg , someday , someday yes i live for the day when i can hear you say
6.Though it was no concern of theirs absolutely if he regarded her with affection carried away by a wave of folly
7.I am what i am . / love and be loved . / go for it ! it ' s a world for the bravest ! / stay cooler than the rhinoceros
我酷故我在. /和那痴情的伴侣相伴在一起. /海阔凭鱼跃,勇敢出行吧! /做个比牛还牛的人
8.For smoke , which is the london ivy , had so wreathed itself round peffer ' s name , that the affectionate parasite quite overpowered the parent tree
因为浓雾? ?伦敦的长春藤,早已把佩弗的名字缭绕起来,这种痴情的寄生植物,竟然压倒了它的母树。
9.The compassionate bai su zhen , the infatuated xu xian , the selfless hu mei niang , and the dutiful xu shi lin are all unforgettable , and so was the eternal love between them
10.The bird has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel , which is five times its size , on the lake they share in the town of muenster
在德国明斯特的一个池塘中,一只痴情的黑天鹅在过去的3个星期里一直守在一条天鹅形状的船的周围,和它“谈情说爱” 。而这条船的大小足足是它的5倍。
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