Gabriel's nose was greeted by an atmosphere laden with the sweet smell of new malt . 加布里埃尔的鼻子嗅到了一股新麦芽的甜滋滋的气息。
I think it ' s too sweet to hear you talk of your young man 听你谈起你的年轻人真叫人感到甜滋滋的。
It just was a delicious ham , answered the other with a chuckle “是呀,是呀,正是那甜滋滋的火腿。 ”
Memories of the previous evening came back into my mind , untainted , unimpeded and gaily escorted by my hopes for the night to come 在我的脑海里清清楚楚地浮现出昨晚的景象,接着又甜滋滋地做起了今晚的美梦。