the things are still there but men are no more the same ones
Example Sentences:
Talk about water under the bridge . christ 已经物是人非了,他妈的
We are now miles away from each other , and everything has been so different , a day seems like a year , and my nights are cold without you by my side 如今两人相隔千里,物是人非,每天度日如年,没有你的陪伴,长夜如此冷清寂寞。
In this sequel of sorts , mo - wan is back , much transformed , having given up the don quixote of illusory ideals for the don juan of immediate gratification 在这部有点像续集的作品中,周慕云再次出现,物是人非,他不再像唐吉诃德那样沉溺在虚幻中的美好,而是唐璜似的沾花惹草处处留情。