满: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部充实; 达到容量的极点) full; filled; packed 短语和例子饱满 full; plump;满满一箱书 a full box of books;会场里人都满了。the assembly hall was packed with people. 果树满山坡。 the slope was covered with fruit trees. 欢声
斗: 斗Ⅰ名词1.(量粮食的器具) dou, a measure for grain2.(形状像斗的东西) an object shaped like a cup or dipper 短语和例子漏斗 funnel; 烟斗 (tobacco) pipe3.(圆形的指纹) whorl (of a fingerprint)4.(二十八宿之一) dou, one of the lunar