Ⅰ形容词 1.(全部充实; 达到容量的极点) full; filled; packed 短语和例子 饱满 full; plump;满满一箱书 a full box of books;会场里人都满了。the assembly hall was packed with people. 果树满山坡。 the slope was covered with fruit trees. 欢声笑语满山村。 the mountain village rang with cheers and laughter. 他满脑子荒唐念头。 his head is full of nonsense.2.(满足) satisfied; contented; content 短语和例子 不满 dissatisfied; discontented; 心满意足 satisfied; to one's heart's content3.(骄傲) conceited; complacent; proud 短语和例子 自满 self-satisfied; complacent; 满招损 lose by prideⅡ动词 1.(使满) fill 短语和例子 他给每个人满上了酒, 建议为来宾们干一杯。 he filled everyone's cup and proposed a toast to the guests. 再给你满上一杯。 let me fill your glass once more.2.(达到一定期限) expire; reach the limit 短语和例子 假期已满。 the holidays are over. 他的刑期还没满。 his term of imprisonment hasn't expired yet. 她到农村去还不满一年。 it isn't one year yet since she went to live in the countryside. 他儿子一满十八岁, 他就送他参军了。 he sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached eighteen.Ⅲ副词 1.(很; 挺) very; rather; quite 短语和例子 你做得满好。 you've done rather well. 他是一个满不错的选手。 he is quite a good player.2.(完全) completely; entirely; perfectly 短语和例子 满不是那么回事。 that wasn't the way it was at all. 我满以为他会同意的。 i had counted on him to agree with me.Ⅳ名词 1.(满族) the man nationality 2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子 满昌 man chang
刑满: expiration of the imprisonment◇刑满就业 reemployment after completion of punishment execution; 刑满释放 be released after serving the full term of a sentence; be released after serving a sentence