没: 没Ⅰ动词1.(沉下或沉没) sink; submerge 短语和例子淹没 submerge; be drowned; 没入河底 sank to the bottom of the river2.(漫过或高过) overflow; rise beyond 短语和例子雪深没膝。 the snow was knee-deep. 河水没过两岸。 the river overflow
消: 动词1.(消失) disappear; vanish 短语和例子红肿已消。 the swelling has gone down. 他的气消了。 he has cooled down. 云消雾散。the clouds dispersed and the fog lifted. 在真相面前谣言不得不消声匿迹。 the rumour had to disappear befor
闭: Ⅰ动词1.(关; 合) close; shut 短语和例子关闭 close; 停闭 close out; 封闭 seal off; close; 闭嘴! shut up!; hold your tongue!2.(堵塞不通) block up; obstruct; stop up 短语和例子闭住气 hold one's breath; stop breathingⅡ名词(姓