| 1. | The wind completely stopped . the ocean and sky merged 风完全停息了。海天一色 |
| 2. | You can realize the marine facies reflect by the mountains and buildings . 入住酒店可体会到建筑与山海相辉映,欣赏到海天一色的美景。 |
| 3. | The surrounding seascapes and the mazu culture add beauty and charm to the island 海天一色的滨海自然风光,浓郁的妈祖文化特色景观,均为湄洲岛增光添彩。 |
| 4. | The performing arts center would feature a spectacular viewofthe persian gulf and of abu dhabis skyline 表演艺术中心能看到迪拜附近美丽的海天一色的波斯湾大海。 |
| 5. | All 450 guestrooms afford tranquil views of the south china sea , wireless broadband connections and a host of in - room amenities and services 酒店四百五十间宽敞雅致的客房均可饱览海天一色摄人景致。 |
| 6. | Sitting in mirs bay like two watchtowers , kang lau shek watches over the south china sea and has become a landmark of tung ping chau 屹立大鹏湾畔,形如碉楼的更楼石,前瞻海天一色的南中国海,是东平洲的地标。 |
| 7. | Overlooking the tolo harbour with the pat sin leng at a distance , the park offers visitors great enjoyment by providing a panoramic view to the horizon 5公顷,在吐露港海滨旁,与八仙岭群峰遥遥相对。游人置身其中,尽览海天一色,实在是赏心乐事。 |
| 8. | It is the first time to build sea - view moon bar with long distance , and the sea and sky merged into one , make people enjoy the full intoxicating view of blue sky and the romantic flavor under the lush scenery 首创空中海景月光吧,凭海远眺,海天一色,让人畅想碧海蓝天的醉人风光和椰风海韵下的浪漫唯美。 |
| 9. | Guest rooms suites elegantly decorated and superbly equipped , each of the 408 rooms suites provide stylish comfort . it offers pleasant views of the bustling city below and charming blue seaview of beach 下榻于舒适典雅之客房,眺望椰风掩映之海天一色,享受“环岛”独有的东方款客浓情,令您旅途之劳顿烟消云散。 |
| 10. | Its outline and construction style , which embody its own humanism feature and the perfect combination with natural surroundings , is just an excellent art and is an outstanding one among all galleries in china 青岛雕塑艺术馆除馆藏、展览雕塑作品,本身规划和建设所体现的人文元素和大自然海天一色的交融,本就是一件上乘的艺术品,在国内艺术场馆中堪称佳作。 |