| 1. | Especially in labor-abundant countries, it may be a waste of resources to encourage the substitution of chemical pesticides for human labor . 尤其是在哪些劳力充裕的国家,鼓励以化学药物取代人力可能是一种浪费资源的作法。 |
| 2. | Promoting the reduction of pollution and wasteful consumption 宣扬减少污染及避免浪费资源。 |
| 3. | The health system should not waste resources or patient time recommendation 4 - 9 健康照护系统不应浪费资源和患者时间建议4 - 9 |
| 4. | To be efficient means to produce a desired effect with as little waste as possible 有效是指用尽可能少浪费资源来达到预期效果。 |
| 5. | This is wasteful when done properly and most likely insecure when done poorly 处理得当时,这很浪费资源,而处理不得当时,则很可能非常不安全。 |
| 6. | Implement simple packaging and cut down on gift wrapping on your gifts can minimise the amount of waste produced 简约包装,减少使用礼物包装,避免浪费资源。 |
| 7. | We must not give the green light to the enterprises and infrastructure projects that waste resources and pollute the environment 那些污染环境、浪费资源的企业和建设项目,一律不能搞。 |
| 8. | Or something to muse , this probably isn t your cup of tea , otherwise , just sit back for a good 107 - minute and enjoy all the exciting actions it offers 而且,这17分钟的片段根本大可放在碟一,不明为可要分拆成两片,完全浪费资源 |
| 9. | Or something to muse , this probably isn t your cup of tea , otherwise , just sit back for a good 107 - minute and enjoy all the exciting actions it offers 而且,这17分钟的片段根本大可放在碟一,不明为可要分拆成两片,完全浪费资源 |
| 10. | To make the best use of the resource and benefit more people , we hope that you would pay us the postage after you get the bible 为了不浪费资源,并使更多人能因此获益,我们建议有能力支付邮资者,请您在收到邮件后,将邮资返还给我们。 |