So the central town strategy for the purposes of the congregation of population . land and industry is a necessary choice to solve the problems of low economy of scale land resources wasting environment pollution 以整村并点,促进人口、土地、产业“三集中”为主要目标的中心镇战略是解决小城镇规模效益小、土地浪费、环境污染等问题的必然选择。
Many fianna and their activist kinfolk are using the influx of european union capital and environmentally friendly parties to repair some of the damage done by chemical dumps and general land wasting across the british isles as well as the rest of europe 不少芬尼安和他们激进的亲属已经开始利用欧盟的资金和环境保护组织开始着手在英国周边和欧洲其他地方处理化学垃圾堆存和其他普通的土地浪费。