| 1. | On some rational thoughts about constructing legal state 关于建设法治政府的几点思考 |
| 2. | On the modernization of china and government governed by law 论中国现代化与法治政府 |
| 3. | Some thoughts on establishing a modern government by law 建设现代法治政府问题的探讨 |
| 4. | The ways to construct a government governed by law 建设法治政府的路径选择 |
| 5. | Theoretical logic of constructing legal government 法治政府构建的理论逻辑 |
| 6. | Significance of constructing a law - ruled government in china 浅议中国构建法治政府的意义 |
| 7. | Ethic characteristics of government ruling by law 法治政府的伦理特征 |
| 8. | The ideal constitutionality based on reality 建设法治政府的行为思考 |
| 9. | Considerations on government construction according to law 关于构建我国法治政府指标体系的设想 |
| 10. | Slightly talk about liang qichao ' s government ' s thought governed by law 论梁启超的法治政府思想 |