布歇工厂: bouchet factorybouchet usine dubouchet, usine du
Example Sentences:
Suddenly , the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether 忽然,车子先是发出嘎嚓声,然后又是劈啪声,终于发动机彻底歇工了。
Six days may work be done ; but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest , holy to the lord : whosoever doeth any work in the sabbath day , he shall surely be put to death 六日可以工作,但第七日是歇工的安息日,是归耶和华为圣的,凡是在这安息日工作的,必须把那人处死。
Female worker due to illness with blame be injured at work successive knock off is borne in 6 months above when , grant maternity leave wage no longer , continue to enjoy sickness treatment 女职工因病与非因工负伤连续歇工在6个月以上生育时,不再发给产假工资,继续享受疾病待遇。
Superficial injury refers to a very minor injury that results in temporarily halt of the work and does not cause any incapacity to the employee 轻伤轻伤指造成职工肢体致残或某些器官功能性或器质性轻度损伤,表现为轻度或暂时性丧失劳动能力的伤害。一般指职工受伤歇工在一至一百零四天。
Female worker due to illness or blame be injured at work successive knock off is borne in 6 months less than when , autogenous yo ( include abortion ) maternity leave calculates since day , grant maternity leave pay 女职工因病或非因工负伤连续歇工在6个月以内生育时,自生育(包括小产)之日起算产假,发给产假待遇。