Close contact with airline operators and aviation users is maintained through regular meetings of a liaison group on aviation weather service . a newsletter on the latest development in aviation weather service is published on a regular basis 天文台定时透过一个航空气象服务联络小组的会议,与航空公司和航空用户保持紧密联系,并定期编印通讯,介绍航空气象服务的最新发展。
Close contact with airline operators and aviation users is maintained through regular meetings of a liaison group on aviation weather service . a newsletter on the latest development in aviation weather service is published on a regular basis . meteorological observations 天文台定时透过一个航空气象服务联络小组的会议,与航空公司和航空用户保持紧密联系,并定期编印通讯,介绍航空气象服务的最新发展。