| 1. | Wind loads are not a significant factor for structural design . 风载荷并非结构设计的有重大意义的因素。 |
| 2. | Epochal decisions made by roosevelt and churchill 罗斯福和邱吉尔做出的有重大意义的决定 |
| 3. | A study on the strategy problem by each method and upon each angle is a very important thing 对这样一个重大战略课题,无论从哪个角度、用何种方法去研究与探讨,都是很有价值、很有重大意义的事情。 |
| 4. | It is significant t discover , analyze , understand and study these ideas so as to build current ecological culture 因而对它的发掘、分析和研究,正确地理解它的真正含义,对于今天生态文化建设是有重大意义的。 |
| 5. | The step pyramid remains today one of the most brilliant architecture wonders of the ancient world and is recognized as the first monumental stone structure 阶梯金字塔迄今依旧是最令人惊奇的古代建筑奇迹,且被公认为第一个有重大意义的石块建筑物。 |
| 6. | It is rare for any but the most autocratic of managers to make significant decisions involving their staff without some form of consultative process 除了那些最专制的老总,几乎很少有人在做出一些和他们的员工有重大意义的决策时不去咨询一下员工们的意见。 |
| 7. | Focuses on science research projects that are currently being conducted in local universities and are related to frontier science and latest technology . new discoveries and inventions with scientific and social significance will be on the top of the list 主要介绍本地大学的科研计划,当中包括最新科技发展,尤其著重探讨对科学及社会有重大意义的新发现。 |
| 8. | This article sings out some significant problems in theories and practice to compare and expound , which are doctrine of liability imputation , the breach of contract body and ways of undertaking liabilities 本文选取违约责任制度中若干在理论和实践上有重大意义的问题,分别从违约责任归责原则、违约责任体系、违约责任承担方式等方面,逐一进行了比较研究。 |
| 9. | Focuses on science research projects that are currently being conducted in local universities and are related to frontier science and latest technology . new discoveries and inventions with scientific and social significance will be on the top of the list 主要介绍本地大学的科研计划,当中包括最新科技发展,尤其著重探讨对科学及社会有重大意义的新发现。 |
| 10. | No wonder the club held a hastily arranged yet historic press conference to calm supporters nerves and spell it out to the football world that liverpool are not in the business of selling their most important player to their premiership rivals 所以俱乐部紧急召开了一个有重大意义的新闻发布会来安抚球迷的情绪,同时也宣称我们不会把我们最重要的球员卖给我们的联赛对手 |