抗战的枪声亦成久远的记忆: sound of gun during the war has also become memory for ever
上次夺得冠军离现在已很久远: and i think it's gonna be a long long time
用以形容经历了久远年代的事物: we call ancient something that existed a long time ago *ancient
更为正式: his aim was to effect a radical change in the party structure
因为年岁久远当时的具体情况已记不清了: it happened so many years ago i don't remember the details
Example Sentences:
Just right of the ming wall is a much older remnant of the great wall dating from the sui dynasty at about 500 ad 紧贴在明长城右边的,是一段年代更为久远的长城,约修建于公元500年左右的隋代。
Knowing how this came about by looking even further back would allow cosmologists to decide which of their theories of the early universe were correct 通过观察更为久远的事件,了解形成这一状态的原因,可以协助宇宙学家们判断哪种关于早期宇宙的理论是正确的。