约束力: binding forcebinding; binding effectco training forceco traint forceconstrained forceconstraining forcesconstraint forceforce of constraintforce of restraintreaction of co traintsreaction
约束力矩: constraining momentrestraining momentrestraint moment
We make you the offer without engagement 此报盘为无约束力的报盘。
The only government progress has been through non - enforceable policy declarations issued by the home affairs bureau 政府至今所曾作的进展,是透过民政事务局发表无约束力的政策声明。
Almost 400 mayors around the country have signed a non - binding agreement to reduce their cities ' emissions in keeping with the kyoto protocol 全国大约有四百个城市的市场签署一项无约束力的行政命令要求减少他们城市的温室气体排放,旨在与京都议定书接轨。