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English translation for "攻其不备"

strike where or when the enemy is unprepared; take sb. by surprise; catch sb. unawares; take sb. at a disadvantage; attack [strike] before the enemy is prepared
Example Sentences:
1.The stock - brokers did not corner mr barber as they purposed ; you don ' t catch a weasel asleep
2.The stock - brokers did not corner mr barber as they purposed ; you don ' t catch a weasel asleep
3.Now , sir , it s got to come to blows sooner or later and what i propose is , to take time by the forelock , as the saying is , and come to blows some fine day when they least expect it
4.When volumes in japan finally picked up , they caught the tse off - guard : on a couple of occasions in late 2005 and early 2006 the exchange ' s systems crashed , a deep embarrassment
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