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English translation for "抛掉"

[ pāodiào ]
get rid of

Related Translations:
:  动词1.(扔; 投掷) throw; toss; fling 短语和例子把帽子抛向空中 throw one's cap into the air; fling one's hat up in the air; 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy; 抛球throw [toss] a ball2.(丢下; 抛弃) leave behind; cast aside; a
高抛:  high toss
抛针:  stitch cast off
抛描:  breakdown on the way
抛击:  throw
抛丸机抛头:  shot blast impeller
抛矛兵:  peltast
抛高射门:  toss-up shot
抛缆器:  hawser apparatus
抛盖栓:  canopy jettison breech
Example Sentences:
1.Nobody wanted to give up all that .
2.Then, for the first time, he overthrew his sense of guilt .
3.Less massive stars such as our sun, can in principle shake off their excess angular momentum in a rather distinctive fashion .
4.But usually it ' s easier to just drop we ' ve been carrying
5.And i try to take heart from those thoughts
6.Sell my warner brothers stock
7.Youd really better drop it , said dolohov . im speaking in earnest
“说真的,抛掉那一切, ”多洛霍夫说。
8.The escape tower was released as the first separation manoeuvre
9.Perhaps we should g ] o out for lunch tomorrow . get out of the g ] rump
10.Perhaps we should g o out for lunch tomorrow . get out of the g rump
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