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English translation for "抛到一边"


Related Translations:
错误显然在你那一边:  the fault clearly lies with your side
:  动词1.(扔; 投掷) throw; toss; fling 短语和例子把帽子抛向空中 throw one's cap into the air; fling one's hat up in the air; 抛救生圈 throw a life buoy; 抛球throw [toss] a ball2.(丢下; 抛弃) leave behind; cast aside; a
高抛:  high toss
抛针:  stitch cast off
抛描:  breakdown on the way
抛击:  throw
抛丸机抛头:  shot blast impeller
抛矛兵:  peltast
抛高射门:  toss-up shot
抛缆器:  hawser apparatus
Example Sentences:
1.He threw aside the speech long drafted on domestic questions and social service, and grasped the nettle .
2.I just want us to kick ass on our pitch
3.Our old ways with all their prejudices must be set aside
4.Generally i love this car . all the problems can be forgiven because its just a great place to be behind the wheel
5." let ' s take a day off from breaking heads on the campaign trail , and break bread around the thanksgiving dinner table .
莫里斯说: “我们都把竞选抛到一边,给自己放一天假,在感恩节一起共进晚餐吧! ”
6.Coach phil jackson says that if kobe stays he must put his distractions aside and put his heart in the game and in the team
7.Other therapists say they also increasingly see youths with unhealthy gaming habits who neglect schoolwork and sports for online games
8.Many others , to their bosses ' consternation , slip out of the office or spend all day checking their portfolios on the internet instead of working
9.He said that the only chance of succeeding depended onthe the plan being followed with a militarydiscipline and that every member was to leave his personal ambition for the expeditions best
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