| 1. | On national security strategy in the information age 信息时代国家安全战略论要 |
| 2. | On strategy of enterprise intellectual property 企业知识产权战略论要 |
| 3. | A study on intellectual property strategy of tianjin bicycle industry 天津自行车知识产权战略论 |
| 4. | On the strategy of high - tech . talented persons in economical globalization 经济全球化高科技人才战略论 |
| 5. | Outline of chiese culture security strategy in the process of globalization 全球化进程中的中国文化安全战略论纲 |
| 6. | On the strategy of strengthening u . s through science and technology in the 20th century 20世纪美国科技强国战略论析 |
| 7. | On ecological and environmental construction of sichuan province in the view of sustainable development 从可持续发展战略论四川的生态环境建设 |
| 8. | The organic combination of " the sentiment for the people " with " the power used for the people " in the field of ontology and methodology , teleology and strategic science constitutes the structure general plan of the modem chinese communication aesthetics “情为民所系” 、 “权为民所用”在本体论与方法论、目的论与战略论上的有机结合,组成了中国当代传播美学的建构方略。 |