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English translation for "战略武器"

strategic weapon

Related Translations:
弹射武器:  projectile weapons
战略平衡:  strategic balance
市场战略:  maketing strategymarket strategy
信息战略:  information and communication strategy
海军战略:  naval strategy◇海军战略学 science of naval strategy
聚焦战略:  focus strategy
战略执行:  strategy implementation
战略资源:  strategic resources
运作战略:  operation flexibility
战略同盟:  strategic alliance
Example Sentences:
1.He showed similar adroitness and persistence in strategic arm control .
2.Our preparations for salt ii suddenly took on a theological cast .
3.And he inquired when we might be ready to engage in talks on the limitation of strategic arms .
4.It was hardly an environment conducive to conceptual thought when salt ii got under way in october 1972 .
5.But none of this esoteric maneuvering, either by supporters or opponents of salt, reached the central reality .
6.In the event, salt was well received by many of nixon's old nemeseswith the washington post and the new york times leading the applause .
7.The result would be an overwhelming soviet capacity to destroy our icbm force, not offset by any american buildup in other categories of strategic weapons .
8.S . and u . s . s . r . opened in helsinki . finland
9.And spend more on strategic weapons
10.Strategic arms limitation talks salt
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