[ huìxiá ] [书面语] (聪明而狡猾) clever and artful; shrewd
Example Sentences:
This kind of witty comment was very typical of twain , and even helped build his fame 这种慧黠的言语正是典型的吐温特徵,这甚至帮他打响了知名度。
A tome recoreded the holy and wise words of main god . adds + 12 intelligence and allows the hero to cast holy light 一本记载了主神的慧黠圣言的典籍。增加12点智力并让英雄能施展圣光术。
In one corner , a botticellian beauty whose fiery intelligence burns within her eyes , her blonde locks cascading to hide a somewhat mischievous but sprightly spirit 一头卷曲的金发下,是慧黠的目光,她,有时淘气,有时快乐得不像话。
Akin to the table lamps described above , master s floor lamps are highly varied , clearly showing that her insightful imagination is more lively and refreshing than those of ordinary designers . for example , in the 再看看立灯,师父妈咪的慧黠巧心更是让线条丰富多变,比起一般市面上常见的立灯造型,更为活泼大方,令人百看不厌!