Keep your business to yourself . don ' t share all your problems . even if you resolve them you ' ll have left the impression that you ' re indecisive or unable to cope with pressure 自己的事情自己做,不要事无巨细都向同事请教。因为即使你已经饩隽宋侍猓?慊故腔岣?擞湃峁讯匣蛭薹?娑匝沽牟涣加蟆
If you do not agree your pictures or wordings being used in our web - site , please send mail to us at the following address , we will stop to use those materials asap , we apologize for any inconvenience or confuse caused 如贵公司或阁下不同意我们引用或转载属于你们的图片或文字简介,请电邮到以上地址,我们会尽快停用有关的图片及文字简介,对贵公司或阁下如造成任何不便或困扰之处,我们深表慊意。