[ cǎnbùrěnwén ] too sad and shocking to the ear; (of a tragic event) too horrible to hear of; be too horrible to learn; be horrified to learn 短语和例子 从远处敌人的牢房里不时传来惨不忍闻的尖叫声。 heart-rending screams could now and then be heard from the enemy prison in the distance
惨: 形容词1.(悲惨; 凄惨) miserable; pitiful; wretched; tragic 短语和例子惨遭不幸 die a tragic death; 她在车祸中死得很惨, 年仅十八。 her death in the car accident was tragic; she was only 18.2.(程度严重; 利害) to a serious degree
小不忍则乱大谋: lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans.; a little impatience spoils great plans.; if one wouldn't sacrifice small things, then a great scheme could never be put into pract