| 1. | The mass complex in gu jie - gang ' s academic research 顾颉刚学术研究中的民众情结 |
| 2. | Native - landed complex in pan jun ' s novelistic writings 论潘军小说创作的故乡情结 |
| 3. | Long and eternal hometown dream - the nostalge chinese poems 中国诗歌中的乡愁情结 |
| 4. | Municipal complexity and modernity of meimei fiction 美眉小说的都市情结与现代性 |
| 5. | The basic theme and aesthetic taste in yu da - fu ' s sad prose 论郁达夫的旧体诗情结 |
| 6. | Research on causes of haizi ' s pastoral poem inclination 海子诗歌田园情结成因探析 |
| 7. | On sun li ' s childhood complex in his literary works 试论孙犁小说创作中的童年情结 |
| 8. | On the aesthetic complex of the religious consciousness 试论宗教意识的美学情结 |
| 9. | On power worship complex in zaju of the yuan dynasty 论元杂剧中的权力崇拜情结 |
| 10. | On the cultural mentality of intellectuals in the yuan dynasty 情结的社会文化阐释 |